how to heal cracked heels
If there is one thing I always struggle with, it's my feet. It started in Kindergarten when I wore jelly shoes, and basically, it's never improved. My main problem is cracked heels, and it gets excruciating in the summer. I've tried everything, and I mean everything!
What causes cracked heels?
Cracked heels happen when the skin around the heel becomes thick and dry. There are many potential causes for cracked heels, including wearing sandals, dry skin, obesity, even friction from the back of your shoes {it has happened to me}. Here is what the Mayo Clinic has to say about additional causes.
The solution to cracked heels
I have found something that is working, and I cannot wait to tell you about it. Of course, I have checked the ingredients and can give them my Green + Well stamp of approval. 1 O'Keefe's For Healthy Feet with heel socksIt's the heel socks for me, ya'll. They are a game-changer. You need to wear socks to bed at night after applying lotion so that the lotion doesn't rub off or dry out. The socks that come in this particular pack actually have gel in the heel, and I don't know what kind of voodoo magic these socks possess but gosh, they work! 2 Purely Northwest {Tea Tree Oil Foot & Nail Soak}This stuff is gold, and even though it's pricey {compared to a bag of magnesium salts}, it is 100% worth it. I read some reviews where people reported it curing their toenail fungus by doing it twice a day for an extended period, and when the reviewer slacked off, the progress declined. Full kit here.
3 Purely Northwest Toenail Care SolutionI have only started to use this, so I can't speak to it quite yet, but the reviews look good, and the ingredients look great. I will be giving you an update as soon as I can. 4 Vitamin EVitamin E oil is known for skin healing. The antioxidants that fight free-radicals combat damaged cells and aging. This makes it a perfect oil for continued use. I use it right before bed every night for soft skin. 5 A good scraper + pumice stone: I do a weekly foot soak with the Tea Tree Oil Soak and scrape in my beautiful basin {below}. I keep the pumice stones in the shower and use them daily. I go gentle with these two tools because overdoing it can cause some damage.
6 A gorgeous soaking basin: Self-care is my jam, and I want to enjoy it. This beautiful basin is my favorite for soaking.
Beautiful feet are closer than you think!
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