Pulling Back the Veil on Anxiety
Real Talk: I have anxiety... like really bad.I'm an extrovert.I'm not into horoscopes, but when you read the description of a Leo, my picture is next to it.I'm type A.I'm a high energy/high functioning person.So why am I telling you this? Because most people don't believe me when I tell them I have anxiety that is often debilitating, and I am still working through thoughts of shame.Society shames people with "mental health" issues in a way that is subtly and not so subtly insidious.I look at anxiety and depression with the same lens as diabetes or heart disease {in other words, a real health condition that requires care}. Oddly, I have an inner monologue that tells me that I should be embarrassed if anyone who knew just how bad I struggled.
Can you hear the shame monster?The truth is that all of us have struggled or will struggle with depression and anxiety.Listen, we are living in the age of a global pandemic. If you haven't experienced an ounce of depression or anxiety, then let me know how you are doing it, okay?I don't know the answer for you. It could be therapy, medication, diet change, herbal supplements, essential oils, prayer, meditation, etc.What I can tell you is that we can remove the shame often associated with mental health.I remember a good friend going through postpartum depression but not recognizing it. Her mother was a therapist; indeed, she would recognize it in herself, right? This very normal condition snuck up on her and took her by surprise. She spent so much time feeling shame for her feelings before realizing that this temporary condition had taken residence in her brain.There is power in acknowledging something because it gives you the grace and strength to let it be and face it with clear eyes, courage, and support.I am very open about my anxiety. It has been with me since the 5th grade, and I don't see it leaving anytime soon. I have worked hard to manage it throughout my life, but motherhood, turning 40, and some major {and I mean MAJOR} life trauma have turned it on its head and forced me to ask for more help.Why did I wait so long? God, why did I wait so long to ask for help? It has cost me so much. There is a placebo effect in the ask. It's almost like the healing starts once you accept the support of another human.I guess I'm saying we should launch a campaign against shame. I'll bet some of you have been where I am.We are not alone.Mental health is something that is often quietly hidden in dark places, but it doesn't have to be.I'll start with me. Will you join me?